Educational Program

The educational program of the János Arany Hungarian School aims to develop Hungarian language skills (command of speech, reading, writing), familiarize students with the basics of grammar and cursive writing and, additionally, establish a foundation for Hungarian literacy by means of lessons in history, geography, and culture.

Our educational program makes use of textbooks published in Hungary and follows the curriculum in use in Hungary but incorporates American teaching approaches as well. Our teaching aids include textbooks and workbooks published in Hungary, inter alia, textbook series from Apáczai and Mozaik Publishers, material developed by the Balassi Institute for students acquiring Hungarian as the language of ancestry (Balassi Booklets) and the textbook series on history of the Hungarian nation issued by the Hungarian Scouts Association in Exteris.

During the course of the scholastic year, we celebrate national holidays and religious holidays of Hungary, and commemorate eminent days associated with folk traditions, thereby broadening our students’ sphere of knowledge and further strengthening awareness of their identity as Hungarians. We strive to communicate a love of Hungarian culture in a family-like setting, advocate familiarity with and respect for heritage and create a learning environment to which children come joyfully.

Each year when making up class groups and designing the course of study, the János Arany Hungarian School takes into consideration the language skill level of the children enrolled.

Three levels of the educational program:

Under the age of three: Mommy-and-me Playgroup
The goal of the playgroup is twofold: to develop the child’s mother tongue early on and to socialize the families. The fifty-minute sessions comprised of carefully selected Hungarian nursery rhymes, children’s songs and lap games take place with the active participation of the parents.

Ages 3-6: Preschool
Within the framework of preschool activities children come to know the Hungarian language through play-based learning. We broaden children’s overall knowledge of the Hungarian language by means of poems, nursery rhymes, games, songs, stories and arts and crafts projects.

Over the age of 6: Lower and Upper Level
In the lower level we strive primarily to develop children’s ability to communicate orally, master cursive writing, and understand the basics of grammar. Building on this foundation in the upper section, the study material is rounded out by literature, history, folklore and geography of the Carpathian Basin.

As an integral part of both the preschool and the lower and upper level curriculum students in a combined large group learn folk games, folk dances and about Hungarian heritage